
...Just a quick email to tell you how much Amy is enjoying her camp adventure! I am delighted to hear her speak so enthusiastically about the activities, the staff and her fellow campers. Thank you for providing such a wonderful experience for her--full of fun and accomplishment and kindness. The camp theme of "respect" has resonated most profoundly. We are so happy and grateful that Amy could be part of the Campus kids NJ family this summer.

(parent of 10-year-old girl)


I wanted to drop a note to say Thank You for another great summer. Connie has never felt more comfortable, or happy anywhere else...She has made great friends, probably learned a lot of good life lessons and will have a lifetime of memories from camp. I remember meeting you the first time and being "nervous" about sending her to "sleep away." You put my fears at ease and it was the best thing I had ever been talked into.. Your staff has been wonderful throughout the years, which adds to the fantastic experience Connie had..I'm sure you get many of these letters from parents, but I am very thankful, that Connie had a "2nd Home" to look forward to going to every summer.

(parent of a 15-year-old girl)

Parent Commen

I just wanted to thank you and the rest of the staff for making Jack's first sleep-away camp experience so successful. Prior to camp he never had a successful sleepover - even at a friend's house. This experience was great for his self esteem. He also had a great time and enjoyed the many activities - I think he tried everything (except yoga) ! I too was most impressed with the way the camp is run, the responsiveness of the staff, the quality of the activities and the facilities.

(parent of 11-year-old boy)


Just a note to let you know how thrilled we are that our son has settled in and how very happy he is at camp. Speaking with him for the past two evenings made us feel that not only do we love Campus Kids, but he truly does too. He can't wait to return on Monday! When (the division leader) called us the first day, we felt so comfortable that the camp was committed to making this experience for Bobby the very best. I thank his counselors for working so hard to accomplish this goal. Every parent wants the best for their child. I believe Campus Kids was the best choice for our son! Thank you for directing a terrific program.

(parent of 12-year-old boy)

Hard to believe the summer is almost over. My girls are having a great summer (I think!) They stopped calling me at night and I am only taking that as a great sign. Of course, I haven't heard a word about Jennifer's weekend adventure (3 nights in a tent and no complaints - that's pretty good) .. and how did anyone get Ally to be in a play (even if only for 1 minute as she tells me) is pretty amazing!

(parents of 13-year-old and 15-year-old girls)