A Stroll
in the Bowl
By: Jess Hoffman
Many underestimate the potential of a vast, grassy, concave area.
Here at Campus Kids, we call this "The Bowl".
The versatility of the Bowl is remarkable! You wouldn't believe how many different activities, events and good times happen here!  
Sports such as kickball are played.
Changeover occurs here also. This is when everyone finds their activity they are going to.  
We have announcements where everyone hears the important news of the day and upcoming weeks. (and occasionally witnessing a very exciting game of Ro-Sham-Bo)
It is extremely common to see a frisbee flying through the Bowl's air.  
We also have snack time, which gives campers some time to eat a snack-food and hang out with their bunk group.
  Many times, during an activity called "Shade", campers find a spot under a tree in the Bowl where they can catch a breeze, and also catch up with their friends!
Also, filled coolers give campers a chance to fill up their waterbottles.  
The sounds of a guitar playing is often heard here!
After dinner, towards the end of the night, everyone gathers to hear the Clubs list, and then proceed to go to the activity they signed up for!
  To sum it up, this is the heart area of our camp. We gather here, we disperse from here, but most of all we have fun here. It shows the true meaning of Campus Kids- the fact that from one big area of grass, we are able to create loads of laughter, joy, and excitement!  
**Here are some other miscellaneous things you could find among the Bowl. And don't forget to stay tuned and see events such as the Rock of July and Campstock happening here too!
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